For all the users, who are on a search for free screen recording or screen-casting software, Webinaria is a good option, which proves quite useful while creating presentations or software demos. The application comes with a Webinaria Recorder, which allows the user to record voice narration, capture desktop screen movements, and Webcam videos in Flash format, and they can be uploaded to the web at a later stage.
Webinaria helps the user create Flash (AVI to FLV) recordings of desktop content and publish online, record voice commentary with the created presentation or demo, and even shows a “picture in picture” video via webcam. With the help of this cool application, the user can even share sales presentations and training demos anywhere anytime.
This program is quite useful for e-learning purposes and even for making demonstration of software features. The software developers can use this application to reduce the amount of technical support required, in the process, and explain the otherwise hard to explain facts, within few moments. For screen-casting, additional Webinaria Recorder package needs to be downloaded. The package supports both audio and video content upload, however there’s a restriction on supported formats.
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